Friday, 9 July 2010

Planning my animation

This shows the time slots I was working too, I had to extend a couple of bits longer then they should of needed because of a trip for another unit with the college as well as that due to the trip I also had to get rid of a couple of scenes I thought about having.

This is a proposal form. I had to fill this in with what my animation was generally about, what actually happens within my animation and the characters.

This is a image of my mind map of ideas, this shows more of a story board process though because I decided what I wanted to do, which was boy loves girl, girl dumps him, boy has a broken heart. I got this idea from a relationship I had gone through at the time and I decided to incorporate my own personal problems and situations into my animation to give it more emotion and depth and to try and catch some of myself within the animation. I thought the strengths with this is that it would seem more real, it would express my own feeling and emotions at the time, the audience with engage with it more and also it would allow me to not only create a story but also create characters that would seem to have personality. Weakness with this is that the audience may not engage with it right, the characters wouldn't seem fleshed out enough. The story would seem boring and lack what the audience wanted.

This is the same image, as well as the initial storyboard plan I started doing above that I had the idea for a 3d face, where the skin falls off, and goes back on in different places and goes back in different colours as well. To do this idea however I would of needed to use clay, and it would of been very hard to get the effect and professional quality I would of wanted if I was doing this idea from clay.

This image shows another side of the paper which I also used to do mind mapping. we started with the word burst and had to create ideas around that
The ideas on this idea of the page are :

A phoenix bursts into flames, a egg rises from the ashes and cracks open to reveal a brand new phoenix. The strengths of this is that if done right it would look very visual interesting and engage the audience, the weaknesses of it is that if done wrong it wouldn't look good and the audience would engage with it as well. Also it lacked story and the phoenix would of lacked character.

There is also a someone bursting into a bank and robbing it that. The strengths of this is that it would of been very simple to but yet very effective. The weaknesses with it is that it may of lacked story and emotion.

There is a creature who burst into another creature. The strengths of this is it would of looked good and I could of easily used clay to get the effect I wanted. The weakness is that it lacked feeling, depth, emotion, personality and story.

As well as that there is a robot that bursts into pieces. The strengths of this is it could of looked really good, it probably wouldn't of took that much time, also I could form a story quite easily and this would of helped engage the audience

Also there is flower that bursts open. The strengths with this is that it could of looked very visually stunning and dynamic. Also it would of not took a great deal of time and I could of added a message about the environment to my piece. The weakness is that it may of lacked depth, story and character.

There is idea about the future, that these monster type creatures has evolved and humans have to shoot them to survive. When they shoot the creatures burst into pieces. The strengths of this is it could of been a good story and characters personality could of broken through, also relationships with other characters could have been clearly shown. The weakness is that it may of took to long to create and may of been to complicated.

There is a triangle that bursts. The strengths with this is that it would of been simple to do but yet different sorts of triangles could of been added as well as different colours to give it more of a visual effect. The weakness with this is it would of lacked emotion, story and character. Also the audience may of not been able to connect with it that well.

As well as that there is a person that bursts or turns into a vampire. The strengths with this is that I could generate a story around it, I could also give the character a personality and there fore give the audience a character to relate too and engage with. As well as this I could put in a message about people fighting their inner demons. The weaknesses of this piece is people have done vampire things alot before and it just didn't go with what I was feeling and go through at the time and I wanted the animation to be about self expression.

There is someone world that bursts apart and they fall. The strengths with this is people may be able to relate to it and engage with it but the weaknesses are it lacks creativity, emotion and story.

There is a balloon that bursts. The strengths with this is that it could be visually stunning if added more then one balloon and made them all different colours. The weaknesses is that it would lack emotion and story and I'm not sure if the audience would engage with it how I wanted them too.

Also there is girl who is trapped in a bubble to a boy bursts her bubble and saves her, then they fall in love. The strengths with this is that it has story and emotion. The weaknesses is that I wanted to do something about how I felt and at the time I was sick of love and was hurt.

These images show the foreground characters and the foreground heart I used in front of a background to create my final piece which was a 2d drawn stop motion place. There was meant to be a extra character for a extra scene but I scrapped this scene due to the time schedule I was working to which got delayed because of a trip for another part of my diploma.

This image shows a sheet I had to fill in about how confident I was using different equipment and how confident I was with different skills.

This shows the hear I created to use in my animation as a fore ground piece. I was originally going to use a normal heart, but then my tutor said maybe I could think about creating my own and giving it my own slant so I researched some hearts to get some ideas then I designed my own heart.

These show the hearts I researched, I then took bits of this heart and put them together and changed them to create my own style of a heart to use in my animation.

This shows one of the backgrounds I used. I used four backgrounds for my piece. They did cause some problems through because it was hard to keep the paper still whilst I moved the foreground characters, also if I used done a bit of a scene one week and done the rest the following week you can detect within my animation when I done this because the paper moves in the animation

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