Tuesday, 8 June 2010


This type of animation I made is claymation. It is used taking pictures of clay figures, yoy move the glay figures a little then take a picture to give the illusion of movement. On this particualr part of the animation sectored we had to look at I worked by myself so I contributed the ideas of the story and the making of the characters and the camera work itself. The aim of making this animation was to better my skills in clay mation and to help me understand it more which I believe I did. The animation that influcened this was A short love story in stop motion by Carlos Lascano. The skill I developed through this execise was taking good shots and to not move the models to quickly otherwise the animation will not come out smooth.

This aniamtion is good and runs smoothly which is a strength but to I could of made the characters look more like people and done more on character development and concept art. I will take this into acount to help me with future projects. If I where to do this again I would develop the characters and the story, also I would make it longer because it only lasts right seconds. I may also add music to give the animation more depth and emotion.

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